Through public awareness and programming grounded in research, we provide character education and leadership development resources to improve civility and produce meaningful, measurable, and sustainable results in your school, organization, family, and community.
What We Do
The Ray Center helps create strong, vibrant communities that value positive, healthy relationships and respectful behavior.
We provide professional development, assessments, curricular resources, and ongoing consultation that focus on values-based education and best practices in character development.
How We Can Help
Our school-based partners improve academic competencies, social-emotional, character, and leadership skills.
Companies can improve the culture of their organization by applying our research-based programming to their mission, vision, and values.
We’re here to help! Contact us today to
begin working on character and culture.
People impacted by our work.
The year we were founded.
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© 2025 The Robert D. and Billie Ray Center at Drake University.