Workplace Culture Assessments

Workplace Assessment

The first step in achieving a positive culture is gathering insights into your organization through workplace assessment.

Culture is:

  • what people in the organization believe,
  • attitudes about what is possible,
  • norms for behavior.

Our assessments from the Excellence with Integrity Institute are informed by 20 years of applied research in human and organizational development. These tools are psychometrically strong, constructive in focus, and efficient in implementation.

Gaining an understanding of your organizational culture is the essential first step toward getting a competitive edge. Organizations that use that knowledge to intentionally work for a positive culture, ensure success.

Our assessment process will:

  • identify the current culture state and provide actionable insights to drive employee performance,
  • seek insights into leadership practices that are critical to mission success,
  • ensure legitimacy, confidentiality, and efficiency, as well as safety, trust, and fairness for all stakeholders.
Workplace Culture Assessment
workplace culture assessment

What Do We Measure?

The Workplace Culture Assessment survey gathers parallel data from employees and staff in leadership positions.

It seeks insights into:

  • employee culture and competencies that drive their performance,
  • leadership practices that shape the organization’s culture and support employees’ essential skills that are critical to success.